Introduction to verbs - Khan Academy

verb 2 bring   verb 2 bring Change the verb into the past simple. 1) I. a new some chocolates to the party. Check Show. More irregular verbs exercises: Exercise 2

verb 3 eat Biasanya setiap bentuk dari regular verb ditandai dengan V1 untuk Infinitive, V2 untuk Past tense dan V3 untuk participle. Misalnya, kata kerja Bring Together - Phrasal Verb | Common English Phrasal Verbs | Business English

verb 3 play A list of the more common irregular verbs in English, showing base, past and past participle bring, brought, brought. broadcast, broadcast, broadcast. build Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 | Verb Forms | Present, Past, Past Participle | Irregular Verbs.

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